New Life Funding Hope

New Life Funding Hope program aims to raise funds for patients to assist with medical bills, surgery fees, medical equipment, and support for those unable to work and who have lost their income due to serious illnesses and financial struggles.

Many of these patients require long-term support to sustain their health and livelihoods, as their conditions may require ongoing treatment and care.

Who Are We Helping?

  • Underprivileged families struggling to manage the costs of medical care and daily living expenses due to severe illness.

  • Patients who have lost their income and are unable to work because of long-term medical conditions.

  • Individuals in need of financial assistance for essential medical treatments, surgeries, and equipment to sustain their health and quality of life.

Why your help is needed?

To alleviate the financial burdens of those who are unable to work due to illness, providing them with a sense of security and peace.

To ensure that children can continue their education and that families do not go without essential needs like food and medical care.

To offer additional support programs that extend beyond immediate financial aid, addressing broader community needs.

Where your support goes to

  • Covering medical bills, surgery fees, long-term treatment, rehabilitation, and essential medical equipment for patients unable to afford ongoing care.

  • Providing educational support for children whose parents have lost their income due to illness.

  • Providing food and daily essentials for impoverished patients and their families, ensuring they have the basic necessities to survive.

The Last Straw of Hope
Raj, at just 23, should be shouldering his father’s responsibilities. Instead, he lies unconscious.
A Tale of Love and Cancer
37-year-old mother of three, who was also the family’s breadwinner, became bedridden due to the cancer severely impacting her nerves.



= RM29.90 / month

Equivalent to donating
1 week of Adult Diapers



= RM49.90 / month

Equivalent to donating
1 Transportation Fee for Hospital Treatment



= RM89.90 / month

Equivalent to donating
1 Specialized Nutrition Powder

Donate Any Amount

All help is appreciated


= RM1.64/day

Equivalent to 1 packet of tissues


= RM3.28/day

Equivalent to 1 can of drink


= RM4.93/day

Equivalent to 1 large loaf of bread


Account Name:

New Life Foundation

Account Number:



Account Name:

New Life Foundation

Account Number:



Account Name:

New Life Foundation

Account Number:


All personal data will be protected, and donation will be proceeded by New Life Foundation (NLF). Donors have referred and agreed to the terms and conditions, as well as Privacy Policy and Donation Refund Policy for more details.

Lend a hand, and we’ll extend it to others

Support our cause with a recurring donation to help us reach more people in need and fulfill our mission
