Adopt A Rescue - Be Their New Life

 Looking for a loyal companion who will love you unconditionally? Open your heart and home to a rescue from NLAS! Adoption isn’t just about giving them a new life—it’s about creating a new chapter for both of you.

These rescued animals have been through hardship, but with your love, they can finally experience the warmth of a real home. In return, they will bring joy, love, and companionship into your life! ✨

By adopting, you’re not only saving one life but also making space for us to rescue more strays in need. Could you be the one to give them a new life—and start a new journey together? 🧡

🐾 Meet Our Rescued Fur Kids Below! Fill up the Adoption Interest Form or contact us on Facebook or Instagram to book an appointment and visit them at our shelter. Your new best friend is waiting! 🐾🏡

领养毛孩 —— 给他们一个新生命

想要一个忠诚又无条件爱你的毛孩做陪伴?打开您的心扉和家门,给 NLAS 的救援毛孩一个机会吧!

这些毛孩经历了许多风雨,但您的爱能让他们真正感受到 家的温暖和归属。从此,它们会陪伴您,带来无尽的欢乐和感动, 这也是你们彼此新生活的开始。✨



🐾 以下是 等待领养的毛孩们 ! 填上 领养兴趣表格 (Adoption Interest Form) 或通过 Facebook / Instagram 联系我们,预约到收容所与他们互动见面!


Adopt a Dog


Here are the adorable furry kids that used to live at NLAS, and now they have finally FOUND THEIR HOMES! 🏡

Although it’s hard to let them go, we are happy for them! We also want to thank the adopters for choosing to adopt rescues rather than buying pets. 🐶🐱

If you want to adopt a companion, contact us now! 📞💬

这里是曾经住在 NLAS 的可爱毛孩子们,他们终于找到了自己的家!🏡



Can't find the right pet?

Feel free to visit our shelter and meet the animals in person—your perfect companion might just be waiting for you!

Ready to adopt? Click the button below to fill out the adoption form and start your journey of love! ❤️🐾


心动了?点击下方按钮填写领养表格,让爱从今天开始! ❤️🐾